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Search results for "Lynparza"

The FDA ( Food and Drug Administration ) has granted accelerated approval to Lynparza ( Olaparib ), a new drug treatment for women with advanced ovarian cancer associated with defective BRCA genes, as ...

The European Medicines Agency ( EMA ) has approved Lynparza ( Olaparib ) tablets ( 300mg twice daily ) for use as a maintenance therapy for patients with Platinum-sensitive relapsed high-grade, epithe ...

The European Commission ( EC ) has approved Lynparza ( Olaparib ) as a 1st-line maintenance treatment for women with BRCA-mutated advanced ovarian cancer. The licensed indication is as a maintenanc ...

Lynparza ( Olaparib ) has been approved in the European Union ( EU ) for patients with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer ( mCRPC ) with breast cancer susceptibility gene 1/2 ( BRCA1/2 ) ...