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Search results for "Venetoclax"

The FDA ( Food and Drug Administration ) has accepted the New Drug Application ( NDA ) and granted Priority Review for Venetoclax for the treatment of people with chronic lymphocytic leukemia ( CLL ) ...

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration ( FDA ) has approved Venclexta ( Venetoclax ) in combination with Obinutuzumab ( Gazyva ) for previously untreated patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia ( CL ...

The European Commission has approved Venclyxto ( Venetoclax ) in combination with Gazyvaro ( Obinutuzumab ) for the treatment of adult patients with previously untreated chronic lymphocytic leukaemia ...

The FDA ( U.S. Food and Drug Administration ) has provided full approval to Venclexta ( Venetoclax ) in combination with Azacitidine, or Decitabine, or low-dose Cytarabine ( LDAC ) for the treatment ...

The Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use ( CHMP ) of the European Medicines Agency ( EMA ) has issued a positive opinion recommending approval of a new treatment option with Ibrutinib ( Imbr ...