
Drugs Xagena

Statins can reduce the incidence of major coronary events and stroke

Results of previous randomised trials have shown that interventions that lower LDL cholesterol concentrations can significantly reduce the incidence of coronary heart disease ( CHD ) and other major vascular events in a wide range of individuals.
But each separate trial has limited power to assess particular outcomes or particular categories of participant.

A prospective meta-analysis of data from 90,056 individuals in 14 randomised trials of statins was done.
The meta-analysis was carried out by Colin Baigent and colleagues from the Clinical Trial Service Unit (CTSU) at Oxford University and Anthony Keech and colleagues from the NHMRC Clinical Trials Centre (CTC) in Sydney.

During a mean of 5 years, there were 8186 deaths, 14,348 individuals had major vascular events, and 5103 developed cancer.

Mean LDL cholesterol differences at 1 year ranged from 0·35 mmol/L to 1·77 mmol/L ( mean 1·09 ) in these trials.

There was a 12% proportional reduction in all-cause mortality per mmol/L reduction in LDL cholesterol ( rate ratio [RR] 0·88; p
